Best Bottle Warmers Review: Find the Best Brands

The list of baby essentials continues to grow. With demands on parents' time and energy, bottle warmers are more than a convenience. Even if your baby is breastfed, you will...


When Can Babies Have Water?

There’s no shortage of advice–good and bad, floating around when there’s a new baby. Many well-meaning busybodies will nonchalantly share unsolicited advice, and many unsuspecting...

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When Does Baby’s Hair Grow

Some babies are born bald and seem to take forever to grow those precious first few locks of hair. And other babies are with a...

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Babies & Heat Rash: What You Should Know

As a newborn parent, you have read all of the books and are ready for the task. Still, you might feel a little anxious about...

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Calming Songs To Sing To Your Baby

Your baby’s first year of life is filled with many milestones. When it comes time for your newborn to sleep through the night, that is...

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Feeding Chart For Babies: What You Should Know

All parents want their babies to be healthy. A happy and healthy baby starts with proper nutrition. As babies grow, they will have developing nutritional...

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Baby Slings: How to Use Them

Seeing your baby snoozing and happy in their little sling is a joyous sight. The only problem is getting the sling to work in the...

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Naming Your Baby: 20 Nature Girl Names

Naming your child is a complex process. You have so many beautiful and fascinating names to choose from, so how do you narrow things down?...

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When Can Babies Have Peanut Butter?

A pediatrician can coach you in feeding peanut butter to your baby since they have a detailed medical history of your child.  Peanut butter is...

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Sleep Training Your Baby: The Cry it Out Method

The cry-it-out method is a way to teach babies to sleep on their own. You want to jump out of your seat when you hear...

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Is White Noise Bad For Babies?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, newborn babies should get 14 to 17 hours of sleep per day. This sleep is essential for their psychological...

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Can You Overfeed Your Baby? How Much is Too Much Breast Milk

Your baby is in the most critical developmental stages of their life. They need plenty of emotional, mental, and physical nourishment to set the stage...

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Where Should My Newborn Baby Sleep?

You’ve just had a newborn and you couldn’t be more thrilled. You’ve already built the baby room, outlined your daily routine, and bought some cute...

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Car Seats: Is it Safe for Your Baby to Sleep In?

When Fisher-Price had a recall on their Rock-n-Roll sleeper leading parents to worry if it was alright for their baby to sleep in their car...

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Signs Your Baby is Overheating

The physical weakness inherent in a baby's limbs is not because of its willpower; it's because of its inherent innocent nature. This is why parents...

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What are the 5 S's? Sooth Your Baby

Babies get fussy for many reasons, often struggling with self-soothing and regulation during their first few weeks or months out of the womb. This adjustment...

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Nursery Ideas for Baby Boys

Decorating a nursery can be a fun but stressful time. You're excited about the new addition to your family, but there's a lot to consider....

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Top 5 Toys for Babies

Childhood education experts say that children playing with toys are the first foray of a child experiencing knowledge.  A child's world is initially small and...

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Baby's First Year: 10 Best Books

It's been said that the first breath of a newborn infant is enough to take away the breath of its parents upon first seeing it....

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When You Should Stop Using A Pacifier

Pacifiers provide relief for babies learning to self-sooth, giving parents some relief as well. However, the pacifiers can turn into a problem down the road...

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When to Transition Your Baby From A Crib To A Toddler Bed

There are many milestones when it comes to raising your child. Each milestone comes with its own sets of challenges. Switching from a crib into...

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When to Stop Swaddling Your Baby

Swaddling makes your baby feel comfortable and secure as a newborn, helping your baby sleep through the night. This, in turn, allows you to get...

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When Can Your Baby Start Drinking Juice

For years juice has been acceptable for babies and toddlers. Doctors have even recommended it at times. However, with new research, the AAP, American Academy...

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What to do When Your Baby doesn’t Sleep Unless Held

We know the struggle. You walk the halls of your house, your baby’s eyes finally close, and you go to set down your sleeping bundle...

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What You can do if Your Toddler Won’t Sleep

Bedtime can be a blessing or a curse, and it seems to just depend on the day when it comes to toddlers. When it’s a...

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How to Teach Babies to Sleep on Their Own

As a new parent, you will quickly learn that babies don’t follow a conventional sleep schedule, and their abnormal slumber patterns can make you feel...

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How to Get A Baby to Take A Pacifier

When toddlers reach a certain age, you wean them off of pacifiers to help teeth come in correctly and encourage new types of coping mechanisms....

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What Are The Signs of Early Labor?

Did you know that only about 5% of pregnant mothers end up giving birth on their due dates? As it turns out, your baby is...

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How to Help a Constipated Baby

Babies can sometimes experience tummy troubles, especially when new or solid foods start getting added to their regular diet. Here are the causes and signs...

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30 Best New Mother Gifts

Bringing a newborn into this world is perhaps the most exciting time for any mom. Now it’s up to you to give her a gift...

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5 Signs Your Water is Breaking

Although the movies make it seem like water breakage is similar to dumping a bucket of water out, this isn’t always the case. You may...

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